New Nova樂生命靈芝王生命液濃縮版 New Nova樂生命靈芝王生命液濃縮版

New Nova樂生命靈芝王生命液濃縮版

US$35 12


Item Number: FF20240313001

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1. 本草綱目奉‘太歲肉靈芝’ 為"輕身不老,延年神仙"之上品,是秦始皇苦苦追尋的仙草,竟然在現代科學化驗下發現其含有高濃度的天然液態PQQ和NMN,可直接修復受損細胞,令人不易病不易累,夜晚好睡,日間頭腦Sharp醒,係現代人有病醫病無病強身的必備靈丹妙品

2.PQQ在國際上被喻為免疫之王,其清除自由基,擊退重症頑疾壞細胞的速度和徹底性達到了前所未有的空前高度;世界著名細胞之父Raymond Francis 指出,人體千種病萬種病,其實歸根結底只有一種病,就是細胞病了;只要清除導致細胞得病的自由基,就可直接修復細胞令各種病症痊愈

3.每支100ml生命液含有全天然液態的PQQ最高達360,000ng和液態的NMN380,000ng,還含有全液態活性SOD,穀胱甘肽,CoQ10,核酸、Omega3,6,9, 多醣, 三帖類等成份,猶如一隊營養軍團,全球獨有

4.生命液通過美國FDA國際標準; ISO22000食品製造安全嚴格管理體糸,HACCP食品成份無害和和安全生產製造認證 ,香港優質「正印」產品質量認證,達到0重金屬,0防腐劑,0添加劑的極級品質標準

太歲肉靈芝從古至今就有很多傳說,又叫肉靈芝,李時珍的《本草綱目》中早有記載: 肉靈芝性甘、平、無毒,可食用、也可入藥,奉為「本經上品」,功效為「食之大力,久食,輕身不老,延年神仙」。《神農本草經》記載:肉靈芝,補中、益精氣、增智慧,治胸中結,久服輕身不老。 《山海經》稱之謂「視肉」、「聚肉」、「肉芝」、「封」,明碓描述乃古代帝王養生佳餚,十分稀有,是百藥中的上品。據史料記載,古時秦始皇統一六國後,曾派方士徐福前往蓬萊仙島尋找的去病強身長生不老的仙草正是肉靈芝。


1) 在現代科學化驗下,竟然發現太歲肉靈芝含有被譽為現代仙藥的PQQ和NMN,可直接修復受損細胞,令人不易病不易累,夜晚好睡,日間精神,頭腦記性好,保持身體年輕活力;是現代人有病醫病,無病保健強身的居家旅行必備靈丹妙品。 

2) PQQ在國際上被喻為免疫之王,其擊退重症頑疾壞細胞的速度和徹底性達到了前所未有的高度;世界著名細胞之父Raymond Francis 指出,人體千種病萬種病,其實歸根結底只有一種病,就是細胞病了;只要清除導致細胞得病的自由基,就可直接修復細胞令各種病症痊愈。 

3) 每支100ml生命液含有全天然自生的PQQ360,000ng 和 NMN380,000ng ,SOD545 ug; 全部天然自生,絕非合成,冠絕全球 。

4) 靈芝王生命液可雙向調節免疫力,明顯增强身體巨噬細胞,T細胞和NK細胞的活性, 能够較大幅度提高血清中免疫球蛋白IgG、 IgM、IgA含量和白細胞,NK細胞的數量,以科學數據真實証明了靈芝王生命液的真正增強免疫功效。身體機體免疫力增强,可直接激發身體天生的自愈能力, 增強人體自身對疾病的抵抗力靈芝王生命液是全療型的,對身體各器官都帶來很大的功效。

5) 通過國際 ISO22000、HACCP 雙品質國際認證、通過美國 FDA 食品製造及食品質量國際認證; 不含任何添加劑,零重金屬,零防腐劑,不含二鈉鹽 Disodium Salt,適合任何人仕男女老幼飲用,對人體全身各部位集30多種功效,熱爆市場,令顧客以打數購買,口碑載道!

適合人群: 由於靈芝王生命液屬於食品級的保健品,所以適合所有年齢層,男女老幼,連嬰兒和孕婦也可飲用

- 免疫力低下,免疫紊亂,各種都市毛病人士

- 關注血糖、血壓、血脂、尿酸、肝酵素高人士

- 關注男士前列健康問題人士

- 關注女士乳部及宮巢健康問題人士

- 關注肝、腎腸胃血球人士

- 關注家族遺傳隱疾人士

- 關注腦部退化人士

- 關注各類重症頑疾人士

- 關注電療、化療副作用人士



Return and Exchange Notice: The returned goods must be in brand new condition and fully packaged. Once the product is unsealed, it is considered damaged and cannot be returned. Please ensure the correctness and acceptability of the product's appearance before powering on or using it to avoid affecting your rights. We wish you a pleasant shopping experience.

    • This is a private consumable product. Except for defects in the product itself, once it is unsealed, consumed, or improperly stored leading to deterioration, it will affect the exchange rights.
    • - Store the product in a cool, ventilated place and avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures to prevent deterioration.
    • - When returning or exchanging goods, please ensure that the packaging is intact (including purchased goods, accessories, inner and outer packaging, gifts, etc.). Missing parts or product deterioration will affect the return/exchange rights.
    • - Webpage products may appear slightly different in color due to the use of different brand screens and resolutions. Please refer to the actual product color.
    • - Returned or exchanged goods must be brand new. The product and its box must not have scratches, damage, moisture, or written text, and must include relevant accessories (protective bags, accessory packaging, polystyrene, gifts, attached documents, etc.) intact.
    • - Please keep the original "shipping outer box" and do not let the logistics company take it away to protect the product during return or exchange.


  • To protect your shopping rights, please record the unboxing process in its entirety. If there are any issues, please contact customer service and provide the recording file. We wish you a pleasant shopping experience.
  • Equipment-type products do not offer exchange services.
  • Personal hygiene products, except for defects in the product itself, enjoy a seven-day cooling-off period for returns if the product remains unopened. However, once opened (e.g., cutting tags, used), in accordance with the "Guidelines for Reasonable Exceptions to the Right of Rescission in Communication Transactions," our company cannot accept returns or exchanges.

  ※ Personal hygiene products: Refers to products that come into contact with the skin and intimate areas of the body, such as underwear (including bras, breast pads, breast stickers, transparent shoulder straps, water bags/beauty pads, petticoats), shapewear (including vests, corsets, leggings, waist clips, undershirts), swimsuits, socks, diapers, toothbrushes, etc.

  • Shipping Service: The delivery area of the products we provide is limited to the delivery areas that the manufacturer can provide.
  • The actual delivery date and return/exchange date of the goods are subject to separate notification from us.
  • In the case of non-defective product returns, the returned goods must be in brand new condition and fully packaged. After receiving the returned goods, the manufacturer will refund 60%of the cash paid. The shopping points deducted at the time of purchase will not be refunded.


- After-sales service: Upon receiving the goods, please check them promptly according to the normal procedure. If the goods have new defects, you can apply for a replacement or return within 7 days of receiving the goods. Please click "Contact Us" directly.